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Headliners 2023

Remi Eriksen - Keynote speech
Remi Eriksen is the Group president and CEO of DNV – the world’s top classification society. The DNV Group is an assurance & risk management company with 13,000 employees across 100 countries. At NorwAI, our partner DNV leads the work for trust and responsible AI: “Thrustworthy AI”. Remi Eriksen is also the chairperson of NTNU among several other national and international positions.
Viviana Gropengiesser, ETH AI Center, Zürich
At world famous university ETH in Switzerland, Viviana Gropengiesser is the Director of Entrepreneurship at the ETH AI Center. She has a decade of operational leadership in startup and non-governmental organizations as an investor, CEO, board member or co-founder.
Kristin Y. Pettersen, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU
Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen has attracted world interest for her pioneering work in industrial innovations on marine robots. The list of her academic engagements and awards is outstanding. She is a Professor at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics.
Claes Lyth Walsø, Norwegian police
Claes is head of the delivery area responsible for converting data into actionable knowledge for the Norwegian Police and establishing a data driven police. He has set a strategic direction for how the police may better utilize their data in preventing and solving crime, including introducing AI and modern analytic capabilities. Currently he is working on building an efficient, cross-functional, and scalable organization being able to deliver on set ambitions.
Fredrik Heintz, Linköping University
Fredrik Heintz' passion is about AI and helping society to take advantage of AI in an ethical and sustainable way. He plays a key role in the Swedish work to develop Swedish language models, and his efforts has brought him to multiple national and international positions, Expert Member in High-Level Expert Group on AI for the European Commission, president of the Swedish AI Society among them.
Per Egil Kummervold, National Library of Norway
Per Egil Kummervold is a Senior Researcher at the National Library of Norway's AiLab. He served as project leader for the Norwegian Colossal Corpus and the development of the NB-BERT model. Currently, he is leading the creation of the NB-Whisper text-to-speech model, set for release in late 2023.
Jon Atle Gulla, Director NorwAI, NTNU
Jon Atle Gulla is the driving force in NorwAI’s ambitious plans for a responsible Norwegian language model to serve national industry and the public sector. Jon Atle and his team will give updates on their work at NorwAI Innovate
Christian Bendiksen, Bull & Co
Christian Bendiksen is a Norwegian lawyer and British solicitor with a master’s degree in French and specialisation in artificial intelligence and big data streams. Christian is one of the leading lawyers in the areas of artificial intelligence, big data streams, neural networks and IoT. At NorwAI Innovate he will talk on how prepared we are legally to take AI into our daily life.
Yngvar Ugland, DNB
Yngvar Ugland heads the NewTechLab at Norway’s largest bank DNB. The bank has long been the frontrunner in the financial sector introducing innovations like the Vipps which now makes it’s way to new markets abroad. The DNB NewTechLab is the company sandbox where new brave ideas and prototypes are tested. Yngvar Ugland is DNB’s and consumer’s man on technology issues, has an international reputation as key note speaker and presenter of innovative thinking.
Gunn Karin Gjul, State Secretary, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development
State secretary for Digitalisation and Electronic Communications Gunn Karin Gjul is heavily involved in the work on a new comprehensive digitalisation strategy for Norway. The plan is for the strategy to be finalised in 2024.. Ms Gjul visited NorwAI this summer, and was excited and impressed to see NTNU’s resources working intensively towards developing a national alternative to the American generative Lange Language Models. At NorwAI Innovate she will give her audience an update on the Ministry’s work on AI policy and the new digitalisation strategy.
Tore Tennøe, Norwegian Board of Technology
The Norwegian Board of Technology is the advisor for Norwegian government and Parliament on technology, and have expert groups to give reports on the hastily developments in tech domains. At NorwAI Innovate Tore Tennøe will give his views on the international play of AI regulations with an emphasis on the coming EU acts.
Keith Downing, Department of Computer Science, NTNU
Keith Downing is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science at NTNU with research in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial Life (ALife), with an additional focus on Computational Neuroscience. He is considered one of the best teachers in his field at NTNU.
Johan Östman, AI Sweden
Johan Østmann holds a PhD from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. His current work as a Research Scientist at AI Sweden is on Decentralized AI. At NorwAI Innovate, Johan Østmann will speak on his work on anti money laundring.
Notto Notto Johannes Windju Thelle, Oslo MetAs an introduction to the mindblowing technologies of artificial intelligence, we have invited Notto J.W. Thelle, manager of Oslo Makerspace, to give proof of artistic use of AI at the opening session. On Day 2 in the morning session he will give a lecture on his creative work of AI in music from his project “Co-creative spaces ”

Norwegian industrial and academic AI frontrunner NorwAI invites the tech community NorwAI Innovate Conference 2023. The state-of-the art NorwAI Innovate will update you on innovation research, and industrial excellence, by the help of internationally renowned keynotes, panels and matchmaking possibilities on AI and innovation.
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